The Beauty Of What’s Happening

And why you need to go out and participate.

Alix Kast
3 min readJan 21, 2017

For those of us that understand the danger that Trump represents it is difficult to see any silver lining to Trump officially becoming the President. Yet, there is one.

If you look at social media right now you will see a plethora of people who are gathering together to make our voice heard. In fact, all around the world there are demonstrations by people who need to warn the planet of the peril we face. There are bus loads of women trucking to Washington. There are planes filled completely with women headed to Washington to march. There are massive crowds of people filling up the streets in New York. College students pouring into their college campuses to demonstrate against the incoming tyrant.

I listen to the stories of these people who have sacrificed the little money they have simply to go stand and walk in the chilly Washington DC streets and yell slogans. The demonstrators tell tales of how they are frightened that the demagogue the hypocritical Trump supporters have screwed us with will strip away their rights or their friends freedoms or their family’s safety. Go on social media and listen to any of the numerous students, parents, workers and teachers describe to you why they need to be out today. Why they need to let the world know that the majority of our nation is displeased with the pompous blowhard in office.

And, as you listen, you will begin to see that these people are suddenly speaking out the anxieties that we have all had bouncing around in our head since Nov 8th. Thoughts and feelings we have been denying ourselves as we searched for someway to erase the results or stop what occurred on Friday.

These people will not be invited to any fancy inauguration ball. These women and men, veterans and citizens, won’t be offered any reward for their service. In fact, it is likely that they will be met with the same militarized police force we have seen so often around our nation when protestors gather. They might be tear gassed, beat and arrested. They most certainly will be portrayed as crazies or whiners or treasonous by the right wing media.

We cannot let these people stand alone. We all need to go out and join them or find someway to support them. Find someway to either protect them from the right wing media demonization of them or someway to protect them against the government that is now controlled by the Tang Colored Tweeter.

The demonstrations and protests that are bringing us together are right now are a rare and beautiful thing to witness. America is usually a highly fractured society. A great salad mix instead of a great melting pot usually. Such a united mass of citizens is rare. We do not see such an upswell of the people against the authority of our own government often. But, when we have we have accomplished society changing things.

Gatherings like we are seeing these days are what gave us our labor rights (the weekend, minimum wage, safe work environments), gave women the right to vote, gave minorities protection against those who would seek to oppress and gave our elderly and our children protection against those who would seek to exploit. But, as Obama told us in his farewell speech, we cannot sit back and watch as others do their work for us. We must get out and help others do the work that needs to be done. That is why everyone should go out and participate or find some other way that you can help out.

Like it or not we are living in a defining moment of our nation. We owe it to our future generations to fight against plutocracy now so that they don’t have to.

